Recent Publications

Zoning: It’s all about power

May 6, 2003 0

Wilsonville Mayor Charlotte Lehan and Metro President David Bragdon are both complaining. Why?…

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Be aware of choices during Hunger Awareness Week

April 29, 2003 0

According to a United States Department of Agriculture survey, Oregon is the hungriest…

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The Mythical World of Transit-Oriented Development: Light Rail and the Orenco Neighborhood, Hillsboro, Oregon

April 23, 2003 0

Executive Summary During the past decade, Portland-area planners have embraced Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)…

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Education freedom advances

April 22, 2003 0

The Oregon State Senate recently advanced education freedom by eliminating mandatory testing of…

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Show us the leadership

April 15, 2003 0

With April Fool’s Day just passed, Governor Kulongoski is poised to break his…

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Business of the City

April 8, 2003 0

The Mayor of Oregon’s largest city delivered her annual State of the City…

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Great selection, low price; why discriminate against large stores?

April 1, 2003 0

The Sandy, Oregon, Planning Commission held a hearing last week on a proposal…

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Sell government assets for a "win/win" situation

March 25, 2003 0

Some assumptions concerning public policy are false. “If government doesn’t do it, nobody…

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Legislature should reject TriMet tax request

March 18, 2003 0

TriMet, Portland’s transit agency, is seeking authorization from the state legislature to raise…

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Remove mandates and health insurance will be more affordable

March 11, 2003 0

More Oregonians should be able to afford health insurance. To help achieve that…

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