Recent Publications

Recall the Multnomah Income Tax?

July 20, 2004 0

In 2003, Portland and Multnomah County politicians cried crisis and pushed a new…

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Charter School: Better Results for Less

July 13, 2004 0

Many public school supporters blame poor academic results on stingy taxpayers. On July…

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Failing Grade for PSU and Light Rail

July 6, 2004 0

On Thursday, July 8, a Metro committee will finalize the funding plan for…

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Aboard the Starship Private Enterprise

June 29, 2004 0

Last Monday, an historic event occurred in the skies over the Mojave Desert….

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Get with the Times: Sell SAIF

June 22, 2004 0

Recent revelations about SAIF Corporation have caused some to demand that the state…

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One Small Step for Property Rights

June 15, 2004 0

Last week, the Portland City Council adopted a plan to build and finance…

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Fiscally Responsible Democrats

June 1, 2004 0

We should applaud the demise of an Oregon Legislative Special Session for one…

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Found: 162 million education dollars

May 18, 2004 0

People who argue that Oregon’s public schools need more tax dollars lost another…

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Door to door transit for less

May 11, 2004 0

On May 1, Portland’s North Interstate light rail line opened for business. The…

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Small step for the OLCC, giant step for liberty

May 4, 2004 0

In April, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) announced a two-year pilot project…

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