Recent Publications

Change: The Only Constant

April 1, 2008 0

Starting with the beginnings of life on earth, change has been a constant…

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Strike Two for Portland’s Voter Owned Elections

March 26, 2008 0

The Portland City Council, in its collective wisdom, imposed a system of public…

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Parking Space Tax Fails the Transparency Test

March 20, 2008 0

Summary The governor’s Task Force on Comprehensive Revenue Restructuring recently discussed imposing a…

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Whose Interests Does the Board of Education Serve?

March 19, 2008 0

Recently, the Oregon Board of Education took up the issue of whether and…

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Union to Oregon Foster Parents: You’re Next!

March 18, 2008 0

Summary As if helping kids weren’t hard enough, Oregon foster parents may one…

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Man and Machine Can Be Friends

March 12, 2008 0

In the early 1980s federal investment in research and development of agricultural machines…

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The Katrina Miracle

March 6, 2008 0

Summary A Portland delegation saw what real education reform looks like on a…

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My Dinner with William F. Buckley, Jr.

March 5, 2008 0

William F. Buckley, Jr. died last week at his home in Connecticut. He…

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The Financial Impact of Regulation? Almost Half Your Home Price

February 27, 2008 0

A recent study suggested that nearly half of the cost of a home…

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The SMART Way To Save Social Security

February 25, 2008 0

Summary For over 25 years, an increasing number of other countries have established…

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