Recent Publications

Bailing Out School Choice

February 10, 2009 0

[audio:QP021109.mp3] Click the play button to hear the audio commentary The time for…

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Testimony for SB80: Implementing a Cap-and-Trade Program in Oregon


Testimony for Senate Bill 80 Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee Todd Wynn…

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Food Stamp Recruitment is not an Economic Development Strategy

February 4, 2009 0

By Shirley Iverson and John A. Charles, Jr. Summary Over the past decade,…

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Testimony for SB76: Regarding the Removal of the Klamath Dams

February 3, 2009 0

Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee Senate Bill 76: Regarding the Removal of…

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Public Opinion Polls Express Doubt about Global Warming


[audio:QP020409.mp3] Click the play button to hear the audio commentary With a new…

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Obama’s Stimulus Plan: A Plan Without Stimulus


At the cost of $819 billion, the current House version of the Obama…

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Oregon’s Carbon Offset Scam


Click here to read this Commentary in PDF format Summary Because cap-and-trade programs…

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Win $10,000 for your Children’s K-12 Education!

January 28, 2009 0

[audio:QP012809.mp3] Click the play button to hear the audio commentary Do your children…

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Regarding Management of the Elliott State Forest

January 27, 2009 0

Testimony of John A. Charles, Jr. President & CEO Regarding Management of the…

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Conceptual Approaches to Road Finance Reform


Roads should be funded primarily by user fees. However, it is not necessary…

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