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Why taxing the rich may backfire

June 2, 2009 0

[audio:QuickPoint 6-3-09.mp3] Click the play button to hear the audio commentary Oregon state…

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Todd Wynn Testimony for House Joint Resolution 48, Committee on RevenueMay 28, 2009


Listen to Todd’s testimony on this audio file at 1:30:01-1:33:34 and response from…

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Timber Jobs: Jeopardy or Opportunity?

May 29, 2009 0

[audio:QuickPoint 5-27-09.mp3] Click the play button to hear the audio commentary In today’s…

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John A. Charles, Jr. Testimony supporting SB 36 Tolling Authority for Bridges

May 28, 2009 0

Listen to John’s testimony at 1:47:05 through 1:57:35 on this audio file, which…

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Representative Matt Wingard Testimony opposing SB 34 on Video


Senate Bill 34 gives TriMet authority to increase payroll taxes. Watch Representative Wingard’s…

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SB 767 Violates Oregon’s Education Reform Promise

May 20, 2009 0

[audio:QP 5-20-09.mp3] Click the play button to hear the audio commentary Oregon received…

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Testimony of John A. Charles, Jr. Regarding SB 34-A May 18, 2009


Listen to this testimony at 2:55:51-3:09:05 on this audio file. My name is…

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“A Job in Every Home”


Just when federal and state legislators are passing economic stimulus packages to get…

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DHS Transformation Initiative: Anything But Transparent


In a world full of names, acronyms and management change plans, taxpayers can…

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John A. Charles, Jr. Testimony regarding HJM11 Carbon Sequestration on Federal Timberlands May 6, 2009

May 13, 2009 0

Listen to this testimony at 1:00:00-1:03:45 on this audio file. Mr. Chairman and…

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