Recent Publications

To build a greater sense of community

December 9, 2003 0

Until the February 3, 2004 vote on recalling the legislature’s $1 billion tax…

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Improving Public Schools Requires Changing the System

December 4, 2003 0

Despite reform efforts, school performance is improving slowly, if at all, and continues…

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Can you hear us now?

December 2, 2003 0

As Yogi Bera said, “this is like deja vu all over again.” Last…

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Attorney General begs for more federal regulation

November 25, 2003 0

On October 23 the Attorneys General for 12 states, including Oregon, joined with…

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Doctors cut prices!

November 18, 2003 0

A movement is afoot that is driving health care costs down. Among the…

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Eminent domain can’t pay for memories

November 11, 2003 0

At 70-years old, Bob Lowery isn’t anxious to sell the home he and…

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Oregon’s hunger ranking: Much ado about nothing

November 4, 2003 0

Oregon can no longer claim the dubious honor of being the “hungriest state…

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Why are health care costs going down?

October 28, 2003 0

People are becoming smart shoppers when it comes to health care. That’s helping…

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Who’s responsible for your children’s education?

October 21, 2003 0

Who is responsible for your children’s education? One hundred fifty years ago the…

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The gridlocking of Portland

October 14, 2003 0

Last week the Texas Transportation Institute released its annual congestion rankings, and named…

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