I’ve come to understand just how fortunate you are having a premier free-market think tank like Cascade fighting for your rights and your liberty. I travel around the country and around the world. I meet with think tank leaders and analysts all the time, and I can say that no think tank is more committed, and none is more consistent in support of liberty than Cascade.
John Fund
Former member of The Wall Street Journal editorial team, currently the national-affairs columnist for National Review Online and a senior editor at The American Spectator
Cascade has established itself as a major player in Oregon’s public policy debates.
David Reinhard
Former Associate Editor, The Oregonian
Cascade Policy Institute is clarity of thought in a sea of chaos that calls itself Oregon.
Victoria Taft
Former talk show host, KPAM Radio
There’s no question about it: Cascade is the premier think tank in Oregon.
Lars Larson
Talk show host, KXL Radio
I only wish that the Cascade Policy Institute existed when I was in Oregon. Had [Cascade] and Steve Buckstein been around to educate me then, I wouldn’t have wasted so much of my and my viewers’ time, talking about the wrong threats.
John Stossel
Former ABC and Fox Business Channel television journalist and current Host and Creator of Stossel on Reason. Excerpted from an October 2010 letter to Cascade supporters
I have had contact with the Cascade Policy Institute in the past and have always found them to be a thoroughly respectable, highly reliable nonprofit policy institute pursuing worthy causes.
Milton Friedman
Noble prize winning economist, excerpted from a letter to his publisher, The University of Chicago Press, September 3, 1997