Testimony on HB 2301

February 6, 2025

House Revenue Committee
State Legislature
Salem, OR

Re: HB2301

Dear Committee members:

I write in support of HB 2301.

The estate tax is not just about money. People who have enough assets to be affected by the tax also have other attributes that are valuable to Oregon communities. They are volunteers for charitable organizations. They are reading tutors in schools. They are mentors to young people.

We have thousands of people like this in the state, and we could use thousands more. But Oregon legislators have preferred to chase them away with a punitive tax.

This is self-defeating. We can’t tax ourselves to a better future.

Given that Oregon’s population has remained stagnant over the past four years at roughly 4.2 million, we should be thoughtful about how to attract and retain older people who are in their prime professional and philanthropic years.

A simple way to start would be to pass HB 2301. We would forego a small amount of tax revenue in exchange for a growing cohort of individuals investing their time, talent and treasure for the benefit of Oregon communities over the long term.

I have watched or attended every PPS bond planning meeting since January 2024. Based on the limited information provided to date, I believe Resolution 7038 is unlikely to be approved by voters.


John A. Charles, Jr.
President & CEO

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