Join U-Choose exploring public school and private education. Speakers will present information on degradation of curriculum, sex education, and political correctness. Cost of public education will also be addressed, along with controversies in Portland and Tigard Tualatin and Lake Oswego School Districts.
Featured Topics/Speakers:
§ “Dumbing Down” of America’s Youth – Dr. Chana Cox, Retired Faculty, Lewis and Clark College
§ Sex “Hyper” Education Indoctrination – Suzanne Gallagher, Business Owner, Past President Eagle Forum Oregon
§ Education Spending in Oregon and Nationally – Christina Martin, Policy Analyst, Cascade Policy Institute
You will not want to miss this lively event!
Come share your views and experiences during U-Talk. Children, teens, adults welcome.
When: Thursday June 2, 6:30pm- 9:00pm
Where: Tigard Chamber of Commerce
12345 SW Main Street
Tigard, OR
If you are interested in learning more about this event, contact Debra at