You’re teaching my child what?!

You’re teaching my child what?

And it is costing us how much!

Join U-Choose exploring public education curriculum and upcoming school bond measures. Speakers will present information on sex education, degradation of curriculum, and political correctness.  Cost of public education in light of upcoming bond measures and controversy in Portland Public Schools will be presented, along with controversies in Tigard and Lake Oswego School Districts.  In addition meet candidates running for school board and education service district positions.

Featured Topics/Speakers:

§         “Dumbing Down” of America’s Youth – Dr. Chana Cox, Senior Lecturer in Humanities, Lewis and Clark College

§         Sex “Hyper” Education Indoctrination – Suzanne Gallagher, Business Owner, Former Candidate for State Representative, Past President Eagle Forum Oregon

§         Political Incorrectness and Censorship – Surprise speaker

§         Lindsay Berschauer- Policy Analyst with Third Century Solutions –School Bond Measure

You will not want to miss this lively event!

Come share your views and experiences during U-Talk.  Children, teens, adults welcome.

If your organization would like to have a booth at this event, please contact Marsha at

If you can help with event publicity within the Lake Oswego, Tigard or Portland, please contact Debra Mervyn at


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