Environmentalism that supports a flourishing economy.
Cascade is the leading voice for free-market environmentalism in Oregon. It might sound like a contradiction, but it actually makes sense. Improved environmental quality goes hand-in-hand with economic prosperity, and both flourish when property rights are respected.
The free market is the greatest system for allocating scarce resources, an ideal at the heart of environmental ethics. Rather than forcing behavior change, we promote unique technological solutions that reduce environmental impact while respecting individuals’ freedom.
Cascade analyzes potential regulations, such as the recently defeated 2019 cap-and-trade bill (HB 2020), which would have limited carbon emissions and raised the prices of electricity, natural gas, and motor vehicle fuel substantially. Cascade spoke out against the bill as it would have economically harmed Oregon residents and businesses while having little to no effect on global carbon emissions levels.
Cascade also promotes innovative concepts like congestion pricing of roads, a market-based highway finance system designed to decrease congestion with the added benefit of cutting vehicle emissions.
We are also concerned with the management of BLM lands in Oregon, including forest thinning and increased timber harvesting. Active management benefits all public lands—including parks, wilderness areas, and national monuments—and affects whether we are threatened further by catastrophic wildfires, Oregon’s biggest environmental risk.